OLYMPIC House is about to change its location, TT Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Diane Henderson said a move away from the 121 Abercromby Street, Port of Spain site is imminent, but yet to be made official.
OLYMPIC House is about to change its location, TT Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Diane Henderson said a move away from the 121 Abercromby Street, Port of Spain site is imminent, but yet to be made official.
THE OLYMPIC House in Port of Spain was robbed of its computer server on Thursday night.
T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Diane Henderson is calling for the return of the stolen server units, that criminals made off with on Thursday night.
Fifty years ago this week, two African-American athletes, Vincent Matthews and Wayne Collett, won gold and silver respectively in the 400 meters at the Munich Olympics. In the medal ceremony they threw themselves into the jaws of history.
The Americans’ actions at the 1972 Games had echoes of Tommie Smith and John Carlos. But today their story has been largely forgotten.
Lewis: Odds stacked against Caribbean countries.