Page 16 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 16


                               banking on speed
                                        and endurance

             SHELDON WAITHE
            All eyes might be on Nicholas Paul to              preparation as the physical, “You have to  prepare for
                                                               anything and that depends too on where you are drawn
            bring Olympic cycling glory to T&T but             behind the Derny (motorbike). In one race you could be in
            don’t underestimate Kwesi Brown who                position 1, the next race you’re in position 6. The faster guy
            is repping the red, white and black in             could be in front of you or behind; you have to be ready to
            the fast, exciting and often dangerous             react to any situation.”
            Keirin.                                            Having ridden the Paris Velodrome two years ago and
                                                               taking a liking to it – “It has more speed!”
            After surprising global cycling pundits by progressing to
            the semi-finals of the Keirin in Tokyo, Kwesi Browne goes   Browne knows that away from the track, switching off is
            into his second Olympic Games confident that the hard   important. He relies on one of the favourite Trinbagonian
            work that he has put into qualifying for Paris, will stand   pastimes “In the Olympic Village, I relax with my peers,
            him in good stead come race day.                   playing cards to take my mind off racing and decompress.”

            “I’m coming off my best season, post-Olympics, so going   But at the Velodrome, its supreme focus “I stay in the
            into these Games I am where I want to be. I had two   moment, concentrate on what I have to do and zone out
            rough seasons, without a coach, where I had to figure out   everything else that’s going on within the velodrome. Just
            what I needed to move forward. I think I ticked all those   stay in my little bubble.”
            boxes heading into 2024, where everything has clicked
            so far.”                                                 On the start line, the excitement of the Keirin pops
                                                                        that bubble, with Browne aiming to take
            Browne has qualified for both the Sprint and Keirin           advantage of the organised chaos and achieve
            but is concentrating on the latter, given his                 Olympic glory for his nation.
            shrewd tactics in the six-rider bunched event,
            as any one that witnessed his cunning ride to
            get  into the quarterfinals in Tokyo will attest.

            “I’m focusing more on the Keirin, that’s my                                The Keirin starts with riders being
            better event. So, there’s been more                                        held by helpers and taking off from
            on my speed and strength                                                   a standstill. However, the Keirin
                                                                                       uses a pacer on an electric
            endurance, because it’s a much                                             motorbike to bring the pack of six or
            longer sprint.”                                                            fewer opponents up to speed.
                                                                                       Before the start, riders draw lots to
            The beauty of the Keirin is                                                see where they will be positioned
            its unpredictability; anything                                                behind the pacer and, after
                                                                                            take-off, they must settle into
            can happen. Riders can go                                                         that order as the race begins.
            for a long sprint to catch
            their opponents by surprise,                                                        The riders sit in a line behind
            favourites can get blocked or nations with                                          the pacer for three laps, being
            two riders in the same heat can work                                                brought gradually up to 50kph.
                                                                                                They must remain behind the
            together.                                                                         pacer until it leaves the track,
                                                                                              then all bets are off and riders
            With multiple scenarios possible,                                               use a combination of strategy,
            Browne knows that it’s as                                                  positioning and strength to be the
            much the mental                                                            first across the finish line.

                                                                                        Sheldon Waithe is the creative director at

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