Page 31 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 31

“So what he contributed to that (Barcelona ’92) was a
            couple of distinct components, the main one was the
            sea-collars which formed the Mediterranean Sea, which
            were very dynamic and flexible discs the performers wore
            around their necks, with various blues so you saw it like
            tides breaking the ocean.”

            In the first movement of the opening, those components
            also created a montage that spelled the word ¡Hola!
            (meaning hello) which was shouted repeatedly by the
            audience in the full-capacity stadium. All of this took
            place in the space of three minutes of the three-hour
            opening. As brief as it may have seemed, the graceful                                   Photo by Ric Birch
            choreography contributed to the seemingly
            extended time. For the Trinidadian viewer, the
            fact that mas came to the forefront added
            that extra savouring of the performance. The
            presentation demonstrated that mas could
            be taken to other places. What was
            consistent in both spaces – that is, at home
            and in Spain – was the power of spectacle.

            “We already had made incursions of taking
            the mas into other places. But the idea that it
            was going into an Olympic Opening
            Ceremony was a big one,” Manwarren said.
            “Minshall developed it in what we call this lab

                                                                                                    Photo by Ric Birch

          Photo by Todd Gulick

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