Page 42 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 42

confidence, motivation, and overall well-being, enabling
            them to thrive both on and off the field,” Warwick said.

            Often, parents grapple with the pressures of competition,
            injuries, and the emotional toll of defeat. This, while
            managing the demands on their finances and time, and
            balancing school and training  commitments. It can be
            daunting, leading to stress and exhaustion for both the
            child and the family.

            Sport costs. Funding your child through any sport is an
            investment. Equipment, uniforms, club fees, gym
            memberships, coaching, meals, it all adds up as Candice
            points out.                                        were later, which meant Giovanni could make it to lessons
                                                               and then training.
            “Feeding an athlete isn't cheap. Because the boys train on
            mornings, they have two breakfasts: a pre-workout meal   Warwick agrees that parental networks offer great
            and an after-training meal. They carry lunch to school, and   support for the athletes and to the sporting associations.
            when they get home, they have a pre-workout meal before   “Parental involvement leads to the creation of stronger
            they exercise, following which they have a high protein   support networks, providing young athletes with
            dinner after training. Then you have race day meals.”  more comprehensive care and resources to train and
            Families who can, invest in at-home, personal training
            equipment for the added convenience, and some have   “Their involvement can lead to higher accountability
            specialist coaches and massage therapists. The sport of   standards within sports organisations, ensuring that
            swimming (and aquatic sports generally) brings some   programs are run transparently and ethically, once they hold
            unique challenges.                                 the qualifications to do so,” Warwick said.

            “There’s the limitation of access to swimming pools to train.   “Parents are often the most concerned with the well-being of
            While we have community pools around the country, these   young athletes and can effectively advocate for policies that
            are open during regular hours when children are in school,   ensure their physical and mental health versus the coaches,
            so the children who are training for competitions don’t get   so this is always good that parents are assisting.
            access to them. And when you do get access to a pool
            there is a rental cost. Some clubs, she explained, cannot   Warwick believes this is crucial for fundraising. “Parents
            always foot the bill for renting pool lanes and facilities and   can help mobilise resources to improve facilities and
            so parents have to contribute to that expense,” Candice   opportunities for young athletes because funding is not
            explained.                                         easily accessible from Government or corporate T&T,” he
            As the parent of a child in training, she said, you quickly
            realise the importance of logistics. Cue your inner project   For every Olympic athlete we see, there was likely a
            manager!                                           parent/guardian in the stands or on the sidelines, cheering
                                                               loudly and shedding tears in victory or defeat. The seconds
            “It is important to be part of a sporting club and building a   or minutes the public sees in performance, are backed
            network with other parents, especially when your child is   by countless hours of unseen effort.
            new to the sport, and you are not fully aware of all that is
            required. The logistics of getting to training, school, and   As families navigate this intricate balance, it's essential to
            work aren't always harmonious, so there will be sacrifices,   recognise and appreciate the vital role parents play in
            such as missing training some days.                shaping the champions of tomorrow. Ultimately, the
                                                               sacrifices made today pave the way for a brighter, more
            This was the case when Giovanni Rivas entered Standard   promising future for their children, making every effort and
            4, a crucial period in primary school. Like many other   compromise a testament to the enduring power of parental
            children he took extra lessons on afternoons to prepare for   love and commitment.
            the all-important Secondary Entrance Examination (SEA). In
            order for the young boy to get in evening training sessions,   Nicole Duke-Westfield is the lead consultant at Westfield Communications. She’s a
            the parents had to switch clubs where the training times   former journalist whose son Liam has represented T&T in the sport of water polo.

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